Video 16 – Catalog And Folder Panels (27:32)

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6 thoughts on “Video 16 – Catalog And Folder Panels (27:32)

  1. Even though most of what you’ve showed is intuitive, this is such a fantastic overview. Lots of hidden functions like show in show photo’s in subfolder. Great set of videos.

  2. Steve,
    This is an amazing training series. I’ve taken trainings before but this is so well explained in bits sized segments that can be reviewed that all other trainings pale in comparison. Not only are you a gifted, highly knowledgable and skilled photographer, but a an outstanding teacher/communicator as well. The short tour to Costa Rica that I took with you last year confirms that you are making a great contribution to the field of photography both now and for the future. Thank You…

  3. Does the Parent Photo folder in drive 1 and drive 2 the same?

  4. Hello Steve,
    Where is my ,,filter Folder Search Bar,,? .. Don’t find it in my Lightroom 6(stand alone version).
    Is it hidden somewhere .. or didn’t exist in these early version?
    Love your video’s and books, they are realy usefull.
    Bob (Flanders Belgium)

    1. Hi Bob – Looks like you found it. I’m not sure when it was introduced – it’s Benn awhile since I looked at older versions of Lightroom.

  5. Hello Steve,
    I just found out that with ,,collections,, I do have a ,,search filter collections bar ,,.

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