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Are you ready to take your wildlife photography to the next level?
In this new e-book, you’ll quickly learn all of my very best wildlife photography tips, tricks, and techniques.
This book is 290+ pages of all the best tips, tricks, and techniques I’ve learned over the last 30 years of doing wildlife photography!
This book is designed to help catapult you past all the pitfalls and missed opportunities most wildlife photographers are forced to suffer through. Think of it as a way to completely jumpstart your wildlife photography!
In fact, it’s a little like cheating on that whole “learning curve” thing 🙂
This book is aimed at DSLR owners and has advice for photographers of all skill levels. It’s designed to cover all the fundamentals, as well as covering the technical aspects and advanced techniques that are critical for getting amazing images on your memory card.
Beginners can learn and grow with it and even seasoned pros will probably pick up a few new tricks worth far more than the price of the book.
The publication is filled with page after page of hard-hitting, practical, easy to understand advice – all of which is 100% field tested.
No theories, ideas, or suppositions here – these are the techniques I personally use in the field.
Throughout the book, you’ll also find plenty of inspiring, high-resolution photos that show you real world results of using these techniques.
Plus, as a PDF e-book, it’ll work on just about any device. Use it on your tablet (Apple, Android, or Windows), enjoy it on your computer, and even put it on your smartphone so you have it with you out in the field for quick reference!
What’s covered?
The book is divided into two parts – creative and technical techniques.
In the creative section, we cover things like the best light, ways to create killer compositions instantly, how to tell a story with your images, how to approach and gain trust from your subjects, how to use an animal’s eyes for better photos, how to create jaw-droopingly good backgrounds, how to use the wind to your advantage, the best way to handle moving targets, and TONS more.
In the tech section, we cover tripods, lenses, crop vs. full frame cameras, unexpected problems with long lenses, techniques for razor sharp images, tons of AF and stability tricks, the best shutter speeds, tricks with continuous frame advance, how to get really great exposures, RAW vs. Jpeg, smarter ways of shooting from your car, the best metering and exposure modes and so much more!
CH 1 – Think About The Light
- Learn the most flattering types of light for wildlife – advantages and disadvantages
- Discover how to get maximum impact from side, front, and backlight.
- The secret to predicting where great light will happen – and leveraging it for stunning images
- Learn how to use dramatic light to your advantage
- Plus, the lighting conditions you should avoid whenever possible
CH 2 – Think About The Story
- The trick for avoiding stale, boring images
- Discover how to go from dull documentary images to artistic masterpieces
- The secret to compelling images that make people stop and stare
- Learn the ONE trick that automatically brings a story to any image
- Uncover five tricks you can use to help add a story to your images
CH 3 – Composition
- How to avoid un-energetic, dull compositions
- The quick trick for rapidly crafting a great composition
- How to arrange elements based on direction of travel or sight
- Master ways to use elements in the environment to compliment your subject
- Learn to watch for and avoid intrusive elements that destroy images
- The secret to knowing when to shoot vertical
- The compositional dangers of having more than one animal in your frame
- Tricks for determining if you’re really close enough to your subject
- When to cut off a reflection – and when it should be completely in the frame
- The importance of knowing the best time of year to photograph your favorite wildlife
CH 4 – Think About The Pose
- Learn what “specimens” make the best subjects
- How to avoid one of the most common errors in wildlife photography
- How to avoid a little-known sharpness robber
- Master cropping tight shots properly
- When to never crop off feet, antlers, or ears
CH 5 &6 – The Eyes (short but CRITICAL chapters!)
- The one critical error that should always make you hit the delete button
- Tricks for telling if the eye is sharp enough
- The secret to making your images seem more life-like
- Why you should never shoot down on an animal
- How your telephoto lens can make your photo seem to be at eye level
CH 7 – Watch Your Background
- Why backgrounds are 100% as important as subjects
- What to look for in a great background
- How to avoid the #1 background distraction that consistently ruins photos
- Easy ways to create clean, smooth, distraction-free backgrounds
- Distracting elements you should always avoid in a background
- Tricks for keeping everything level as you shoot
- How to use a background to compliment your subject and create a more compelling image
CH 8 – Watch The Wind
- Why wind direction should always be on your mind
- Ways to use the wind to keep mammals calm as you approach
- Why a blustery day makes it hard to photograph mammals
- How to use wind to tell if a bird is about to take off
- Find out if scents are a concern for bird photography
- Discover how to predict the direction birds will face when they land
- How to use a windy day for easy bird in flight images
CH 9 – Get Ahead Of The Game
- Learn the one thing you should never do when pursuing wildlife
- How to get amazing shots of an animal on the move
- The trick for always being in the perfect location for wildlife
CH 10 – Know Where To Go
- Why it’s crazy to spend months trying to photograph an elusive animal
- The easy way to get photos of that same elusive animal
- How to take advantage of the wildlife you have available in your area
- My favorite nine locations for wildlife photography
CH 11 – Dealing With Animals
- The one blunder that will always destroy your chances with an animal
- How to gain the trust of an animal or group of animals
- Tips for successfully stalking and approaching an animal
- The huge mistake 90% of wildlife photographers make when they approach an animal
- Find out when camo is necessary – and the surprising reason you may want to use it
- Tips for stalking with a tripod
- Surprising, little-known ways animals show aggression
- How field observation and study can skyrocket your images
CH 12 – Tripods
- Why a quality tripod is as important as your camera and lens
- How to choose the best tripod for big glass
- Carbon fiber vs. aluminum
- Discover why taller tripods are better
- Learn why you should always avoid a center column
- Why you should avoid center braces
- The best ballheads for wildlife
- How to choose a good ballhead
- Why gimbal heads are the ultimate choice for wildlife photographers
- When you should use a monopod instead
CH 13 – Crop Or Full Frame Camera?
- Discover how sensor size affects the reach of your lens
- Learn which sensor type is best for low budget or lightweight setups
- Uncover the advantages of a crop camera
- Uncover the advantages of a full frame camera
- Determine which camera is best for your needs
CH 14 – Lenses For Wildlife
- Discover the one thing you always need to consider when choosing focal length
- Learn the minimum focal length you should use for wildlife
- How to choose the best lens for your budget
- Uncover the three main reasons for considering a big prime lens
- How to choose a zoom lens, how to choose a large prime lens
- The 500mm vs. 600mm debate
- Five things you should look for in every wildlife lens
- Why you should consider stabilization
- How weather proofing helps you get stunning images
- Why understanding focus distance is critical when choosing a lens
- How to choose a teleconverter
- Choosing the best teleconverter magnification
CH 15 – Unexpected Long Lens Problems
- How to instantly locate your subject with a long lens
- How focus distance can make a subject invisible
- How to handle an animal that’s too close
Ch 16 – Sharp Images With Long Lenses
- Master capturing tack sharp images with your wildlife lens
- Discover the “new” best hand-holding speed
- Master proper hand-holding technique for long lenses
- Tricks and advice for using the environment for support
- The surprising way to use your tripod with long lenses
- Tripod and long lens techniques
- Discover how to properly trip your shutter for the sharpest results
- Three ways image stabilization helps you
- The danger of slow shutter speeds with stabilization
- How heat distortion can totally ruin your images – and how to overcome it
- The one time you should always remove your lens hood
- The surprising way continuous frame advance captures sharp images
CH 17 – Shutter Speed Is Your Best Friend
- Discover why you need more shutter speed than you think
- Two reasons you need faster shutter speeds
- Surprising ways subject motion causes soft images
- Recommended shutter speeds for the five most common wildlife scenarios
CH 18 – Tricks With Continuous Frame Advance
- How to shoot in controlled bursts
- Uncover three tricky ways to keep your buffer from filling
- Learn how to get comfortable with shooting peak action
- Why more frames per second is always a good thing
CH 19 – Tricks With Autofocus
- Master using AF points with composition for sharper images
- Three ways you may be focusing wrong
- The secret to choosing the right AF sensor for action
- How to back-button focus – and why it can skyrocket your action shots
- How to choose the proper number of AF points for any situation
- How to get an AF lock in dim, low contrast conditions
- The one AF sensor that gives you the best chance of an AF lock in low light
- Discover the power of AF limiters to help you quickly require a lost AF lock
- The cool way wildlife photographers can use memory recall on their lenses
- The importance of AF fine tuning your lens
CH 20 – Nail The Exposure
- Discover how exposure works
- Learn the pitfalls and tricks for shutter speed, F/Stop and ISO
- The three penalties you pay when you crank up your ISO
- When you should use manual ISO
- When you should use Auto ISO
- The secret to how your meter thinks
- How to meter for light-toned subjects
- How to meter for dark-toned subjects
- The worst exposure sin you can commit
- Three handy ways to adjust exposure
- How to determine correct exposure
- The right way to read a histogram
- The rapid-fire way to quickly check exposures
- The smartest metering modes for wildlife
CH 21 – Exposure Mode Selection
- The most popular exposure mode for wildlife photography
- Why Program and Shutter Priority are not your friend
- When to switch to manual mode
- The amazing secret metering mode every wildlife photographer will love
CH 22 – RAW vs. Jpeg
- The advantages of Jpegs
- The advantages of RAW
- Discover how you can recover RAW files you thought were trash
- Examine examples of RAW and Jpegs files
- Learn just how far you can push a Jpeg
- How to make Jpegs (almost) as good as RAW
CH 23 – Shooting From Your Car
- Tricks for shooting out your window
- How to handle traffic
- The secret to approaching an animal from your vehicle
- The simple way I support my lenses from the car
- A huge mistake that could turn your photos to mush
- What to take with you when you step out of the car
- How to pull over correctly in a national park (this really is a thing)
- Advice for prepping yourself for a shoot
- Tips for shooting in roadside crowds
CH 24 – Gear Security And Image Backup
- The huge mistake that makes you a juicy target for thieves
- The best way to camouflage your gear from criminals
- Why you should ditch your camera strap
- Leaving your gear in a hotel or car
- Ways to NOT look like a target
- My strategy for backup on the road
- A secret way to keep all your files with you at all times
This book was over a year in the making and I’ve really put my very best advice and experience into these pages.
Plus, it’s written in friendly, easy to understand language that makes the book a fun and enjoyable read.
Speaking of which – I know that many times photography e-books are just a bunch of images with a smattering of text. That is NOT the case here. The vast majority of this book is exceedingly helpful, direct information. While it does have plenty of pictures, each and every image serves to strengthen the lessons.
Some screen shots directly from the book:
Finally, if you’re still on the fence, think of it this way…
So many times we spend countless hundreds or even thousands of dollars purchasing gear that we hope will help us create more powerful images.
The truth is, gear is only a small part of the equation. Amazing imagery comes from YOU – the person standing a few inches behind the viewfinder.
However, when offered an opportunity to improve the part of their photography that could generate a quantum leap in quality, people often hesitate. I know for a fact that my best images were due to hundreds, even thousands of hours spent studying educational materials, not because of the gear.
So, that brings us to price. I’ve tried to make this completely affordable for any photographer – just $12.97 and it’s an instant download.
That’s basically less than lunch money for a product that could improve your photography exponentially. Heck, even if you only discover ONE new trick or technique that helps you create an amazing image, wouldn’t it be worth it?
Check it out, you could be enjoying this new e-book in just a few minutes.
PS – I’m 100% confident you’ll love this e-book. If you’re not satisfied, let me know and I’ll give you your money back – nothing to lose by giving it a try!
jman_422002 –
Hi Steve
I bought your book well over a year ago and have only just started to read it thoroughly.
It is the best £13 I have ever spent. Please keep up the great work, love your videos on youtube. You explain things in layman’s terms, very easy to understand. Thank You:-)
Cam (verified owner) –
This is a great read and the photos are inspirational. Lots of useful information even if your a seasoned pro – which I’m not 🙂
Erik Sterud (verified owner) –
I am relatively new in the game and this book helped me jump ahead! I have no doubt the more experienced photographer will learn and apply what is taught in this cemprehensible book. 5/5.
Stan Hellmann (verified owner) –
Very helpful book. Lots of useful info presented succinctly
Pepijn van Diggelen (verified owner) –
An incredible book and in my opinion a musthave for all wildlife photographers. I have learned a lot and I will definitely read it a few more times! The beautiful photos have inspired me. Everything is explained so clearly (even for a Dutch student like me), while the tone is not pedantic or childish but rather friendly and noncommittal. I now have even more admiration for you and your photography. Keep up the good job!
Chris Watson (verified owner) –
I purchased this wonderful book last week and have been thoroughly engrossed in it ever since, this was having watched Steve’s YouTube videos. I bought this in preparation for a trip to Costa Rica in April, as I wanted to ensure that I was fully prepared as I could be in advance. I have always been fascinated by wildlife and wildlife photography, thinking (wrongly) that I was pretty good at it. Steve’s videos have helped me to improve, but the information contained within this book I know will take my photography to a whole new level. I know that I have got to put into practice what this book has taught me, I’m going to be so busy with my camera prior to the trip as I need to get everything right when I get to Costa Rica. Thank you so much Steve, I absolutely love your photography!!!!
Chris Watson (verified owner) –
Further to my review dated February 14, 2022. I have just returned from our Costa Rica mentioned, previously, what an amazing country. I put into practice what I have learnt from Secrets To Stunning Wildlife Photography and Steve’s YouTube contributions. These have made a serious contribution to getting an unbelievable array of images of the flora and fauna of Costa Rica, including some real ‘wall hangers’. To anyone who has not yet purchased this book and is serious about wildlife photography, this book is an absolute must have!!!!
Jane Garnham –
I bought this book several years ago but still read it for inspiration and the occasional chuckle ! I have recommended to many just starting their wildlife photography and all have been very pleased with it too. A shout out for all Steves books really (I have all apart from mirrorless/sony as I don’t shoot with them yet). Also the Lightroom library video course which really helped me to get much less frustrated and more efficient.
Jason Kanz (verified owner) –
After watching several of Steve’s videos, I decided to purchase this book. It was well worth the money and I learned even more than I had with the videos. There was definitely information I expected, but there were many welcome surprises too, such as shooting wildlife from a car. I am certain I will come revisit this book multiple times. Thank you for this excellent product.