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3 thoughts on “Video # 1 – Intro And Field Techniques”
Owen Kane
Steve, in order to help me better troubleshoot my focus points during post-processing, I sometimes fire up Nikons View software or capture both now free from Nikon download. I’ve noticed that when compared to an image shot with my new Z7 in Lightroom the same image in View and Capture is noticeably less noisy. It seems to me that lightroom is either reading the NEF files wrong or adding a stop or more noise, would you have an opinion on why?
I apologize for the delay in getting to this comment – it slipped by me and I only now saw it.
It’s because Capture NX-D adds more noise reduction by default. Lightroom doesn’t necessarily add as much noise reduction to the image. You can of course adjust it in Lightroom as well.
Steve, in order to help me better troubleshoot my focus points during post-processing, I sometimes fire up Nikons View software or capture both now free from Nikon download. I’ve noticed that when compared to an image shot with my new Z7 in Lightroom the same image in View and Capture is noticeably less noisy. It seems to me that lightroom is either reading the NEF files wrong or adding a stop or more noise, would you have an opinion on why?
I apologize for the delay in getting to this comment – it slipped by me and I only now saw it.
It’s because Capture NX-D adds more noise reduction by default. Lightroom doesn’t necessarily add as much noise reduction to the image. You can of course adjust it in Lightroom as well.
I really am interested in any comment from Steve about the point Owen Kane told about.